
Entries by Carlos Perez (157)


Centralized Management of Java SE Environment Using GPO (Redux)

My Adventures helping a friend secure his Java environment where fun, in my original blog post I used GPO to reduce the risk in his environment by crudely pushing  a configuration file to his environment. After 24 hours the fun started because we got insight from the support team, developer and users and came with a game plan.

The requirements:

  • Solution must provide the ability to configure Java 7 and Java 6.
  • Users must still be able to look at the settings in the Java control panel so they can relay information to helpdesk for troubleshooting.
  • The configuration files must be in a place where the can be replicated to Domain Controllers in other locations.
  • Solution must work on Windows Versions 5.x and 6.x
  • Policy Should only apply and create the files for machines with Java installed.
  • Policy should be robust enough to adapt is Java 6 or 7 are installed on the target in the case a computer is moved from one OU (Organizational Unit) to another.

Thankfully we worked and came with a much simple and easier to manage solution that made everyone happy (And me never volunteering to help).

Creating WMI Filter

When it comes to applying Group Policy Objects I find that WMI filters is one of the best ways to determining to what machines to apply a policy and to witch not. We start by creating 2 WMI filters one for Java 6 and another for Java 7. We first go in to Group Policy Management Console, and go in to WMI Filters:


We Right-Click on it and select New


We give it a name of Java SE 7 is Installed and a description of “For Policies that will only apply for hosts running Java SE 7” and we Click on Add to include our WMI WQL Query and we add the query

Select * From win32_Directory where (name="c:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7" or name="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7")

This WMI Query will look for bot X64 and X86 locations of the JRE7 Folder on the System and if found it will apply the policy.


We click on Save to save the query.

We would do the same for Java SE 6 if we want to cover it.

Creating Policy Files

Next we create policy files for Java in our domains \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\JavaPolicy folder where FQDN is the full path of your domain name. In my example I will create to folders one called JRE7Strict that will have restrictive settings and another called JRE7Block that will have the files to block Java on all web browsers.:


In Jave SE a deployment.config file is used for specifying the System-Level for use by all users of the system and it is located in %windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config. By default no deployment.config  or folder structure exists. The deployment.config file needs the option of deployment.system.config and it can point to a URL(HTTP or HTTPS) or a File Path that points to the to load, to ensure that the properties file in the user %APDATA% location is not loaded we set the deployment.system.config.mandatory option with a value of true. Our config file for the restricted settings would be:


and we would place the file in the JRE7Strict folder and we would create our Properties file with the options we want and to lock the options so they still show in the control panel but would be greyed out so they can not be modified we would also add a <property>.locked line. A sample restricted properties file would look like:

In the example I set the Security Level to Very High and locked it as well as other options.

Update: for more information on the security levels and what they restrict take a look at Remember security levels where added in version 7 Update 10. The only whitelisting available is for sites that use signed Java Applets, those that do not will be blocked by the Very High security level, if you need access to unsigned Java Applets and are not able to sign and create a whitelist of signed ones set the setting to High and educate your users or Restrict them to Internet Explorer only and set security zones and settings per zone and site

As domain admins we would save the files in the folder:


for a policy that would block Java on all the web browser we would only add to the properties file:



Creating the Policy

The use of the centralized files it makes creating a policy file it is more simple. We just create a new GPO and we start by setting the creation of the folder where the config file will be placed so in the Policy we would go in to Computer Configuration –> Preferences –> Windows Settings –> Folders:


We create a new entry for the creation of the folder %WinDir%\Sun\Java\Deployment


Now we can create an entry for copying the config file to the folde we go to Computer Configuration –> Preferences –> Windows Settings –> Files:


We now create a new file policy and set it to replace so updating only takes modifying the file it self we set  the Action to Replace so when the file is updated it will be sent to all the machines in the domain when they update their policy, we set the Source to  \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\JavaPolicy\JRE7Strict\deployment.config and the Destination to %windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config:


Before we link the policy to any OU we must set the WMI filter we created so it will only create the folder and file on machines running the correct version of JRE


Once it is done we can link it to the OU we want the policy to apply to. Once a hosts update it’s policy via schedule or it is forced.

If you are running a Windows 2012 DC I recommend you go in to the Starter GPO’s and have the 2012 DC create them if they have not yet, if they have been already created and they where in a Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2 back the Starter GPOs, Delete the starter GPO folder from \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\, go back to the Group Policy Management Console on Windows 2012 and have it generate them, you should have 2 additional GPO templates for Firewall and Management configuration. From PowerShell (Had to sneak some PowerShell in Smile with tongue out) run:

New-GPO –Name "Configure firewall rules for remote gpupdate" –StarterGpoName "Group Policy Remote Update Firewall Ports" | New-GPLink –target "dc=acmelabs,dc=com" –LinkEnabled yes 

This will create a New Group Policy and link it to the Domain (Make sure you modify the DC values to the ones of your domain) that will allow you to force GPO updates against the host in the domain once the policy is applied.

To force a update of the policy from your Windows 2012 DC run Invoke-GPUpdate against the machines you want to update, in this example I’m running it against the HR OU where my test VM’s are in my lab:

  Get-ADComputer –filter * -Searchbase "ou=HR, dc=acmelabs,dc=com" | foreach{ Invoke-GPUpdate –computer $ -force} 

Once the policy has been updated we can just open the Java Control Panel and confirm the options have been set and that they are greyed out.


If the user tries to load a self-signed applet or one not in your trusted signature file he will get:


If the Applet is validly signed he will get a popup giving him a warning and allowing him to run run the applet:


This method can be used to set other policies like the path for the trusted signatures and PKI files plus settings. So make sure your applets are properly signed with valid certificate and modify your trusted CA file to only trust your vendor to reduce the risk of the attacker using a valid provider or even better use your own CA and signed your applets with your own cert.

For Java 7 properties reference use

For Java 6 properties reference use

Hope you find this useful and allow you to secure your Java environment in Windows.


Pushing Security Configuration for Java 7 Update 10 via GPO

NOTE: Please use the following blog post with improved solution

A friend of mine that work on a local government agency called me quite concerned about the new Java Exploit that surfaced this month for Java 7u10, specially since he a lot of his CRM and HR systems depend on Java being Up and Running for the Oracle Solution he uses at work. He has always been quite concerned about the security of his hosts pushing Microsoft EMET on his windows boxes, Running the latest version of Java and uninstalling the old ones, having his machines up to date in patches and just all around good administration. He asked me if I could help him out find a way to force security to Very High on the the Java configuration and deploy it to all of his Windows 7 machines, so I took it as a challenged and the good guy in me said I would do it for free…. has this been a long afternoon of testing but finally got it.

JavaSE 1.7 update 10 allows for the configuration of its setting via a file called that can either reside in the user %APPDATA% folder under Sun\Java\Deployment or as a System Wide Setting under %WINDIR% folder under Sun\Java\Deployment so I took it to come up with a GPO Object for him that I could use with the settings he wanted to make sure as to mitigate the vulnerability and allow the teams inside his organization to use it while disabling Java to other via other settings.

The first step is to log in to a machine with Java and in the Java Control Panel configure the security level and in Advanced Settings the additional settings




This generated for us a file called that we can use as the master file to push to our Windows Clients.  The file is located under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment The file is just a simple text file that we can then manipulated and add other entries to it. We now copy this file to a share that is accessible to all machines and that the file is readable to machine accounts in the domains since the connections to the share will be done by them.

The main lines you will want are:
This will block none trusted Applets and will prompt the user for automatic applet download. If you want you can create a second one to block Java on all browsers by making sure the file contains:

On one of our domain controller we open the Group Policy Management administration tool. We right click on the Group Policy Objects node in the right side and select New in the menu


We give it a descriptive name


We Right-Click on the newly created Policy and choose Edit from the menu


We now navigate to Computer Configuration –> Preferences –> Windows Settings –> Files


We select the Action of Create, put in the Source File the file in the share accessible to all the machines and in Destination %WINDIR%\Sun\Java\Deployment\


We create another file entry with the Action of Delete an the Destination of %USERPROFILE%\Sun\Java\Deployment\  this is to ensure that the Users copy does not go above the System Wide one since a user preference will override the systems.  This one we Create it under the User Configuration node



We now do one last entry under Folders so as to make sure the folder is created for the configuration file since if it is not the file is not copied.


Now that it is done we can close the edit window and attach the policy to the OU where the users we want to keep using Java but with higher security settings are, we do this by Right-Clicking on the OU we want to apply the policy against and choose to link an existing one


From the list we select the one we created


Once Linked next time the GPO refreshes the policy should apply and settings should be set. Do test in your own environment and adjust these steps as needed, remember one can use WMI Filters, and different standards may apply, this is just one of many ways for a certain scenario but still hope you find the information useful. For more information on the file format and details look at


For those asking how it impacts the levels with the vulnerability trying to execute here are how the Medium, High and Very High security levels mitigate the vulnerability.

With Security Level at Medium


Should I say more?

With the Security Level at High


This would be the case if you have not set trust for the internal application you run and will require some user training and awareness chats since they can just hit run and the exploit will execute.

With the Security Level at Very High


One can go even further and have a network location or use the same method to specify trusted certificate lists and manage all the Certificate settings, for this you can take a look at

Another thing to keep in mind is to block access to the user to the Java Control Panel so as to prevent them from reducing the security levels. You will have to do this from a machine with Java installed so I recommend a Windows 7 or 8 Machine in the domain with the RSAT tools installed.


Set the Proper permissions for the user group you want to restrict, in the example I use the local Users group as an example, make sure your admin account is not under the group you decide to use Smile since the most restrictive permission will apply first, here it is only as an example not the recommended setting since your environment will vary.



Make sure it is set to replace the permissions:


This settings will apply to a x64 system, make sure to also add a path for x86 system to then file or create a separate policy for those and use WMI Filters ass needed.

Now after the policy has been updated and user tries to to access the control panel shortcut to modify the settings he should get:


The file permissions can also be used to block users from creating and reading the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\  file on Windows Vista and higher versions of Windows and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Sun\Java\Deployment\ on Windows XP and 2003 systems.


Set PowerShell as Your Default Shell in Windows 2012 Core

One thing I do hate in the new Windows 2012 Core setup is that PowerShell is not the default shell when one logs in. Microsoft made it so that in Core most of the Administration task are done via PowerShell or Remote Administratio tools. The fist thing one must do is to take ownership of the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AlternateShells\AvailableShells Registry key since we will be modifying it. To achieve this Microsoft was nice enough to include the GUI version of the registry editor so we only need to type regedit in the command prompt and hit enter, after it comes up we can navigate to the key image We right-click on the Key AvailableShells and click on Permission, on Permissions click on Advanced and click on Change image Add the Administrator account, click on OK and on the previous screen click on Apply. Create a registry value under the key with the name of 40000 and set the value to:

powershell.exe -noexit -command "& {set-location $env:userprofile; clear-host}"



Now when you log off and log back in you will be greeted with a PowerShell window.


The reason why we use 40000 is that when you install the full GUI Explorer.exe will be 90000 and we want to PowerShell to be the Shell only if we are in Core or in Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra.

To make life simpler here is a script you can either copy and paste in to a PowerShell window or create a .ps1 file and execute from there:

# Use C# to leverage the Win32API
$definition = @"

using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Win32Api


public class NtDll


[DllImport("ntdll.dll", EntryPoint="RtlAdjustPrivilege")]

public static extern int RtlAdjustPrivilege(ulong Privilege, bool Enable, bool CurrentThread, ref bool Enabled);



Add-Type -TypeDefinition $definition -PassThru
$bEnabled = $false



# Enable SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
$res = [Win32Api.NtDll]::RtlAdjustPrivilege(9, $true, $false, [ref]$bEnabled)

# Take ownership of the registry key
$key = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AlternateShells', [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]::ReadWriteSubTree,[System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]::takeownership)
$acl = $key.GetAccessControl()

# Set Full Control for Administrators
$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl", "Allow")

# Create Registry Value
[void][Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::SetValue($key,"90000",'powershell.exe -noexit -command "& {set-location $env:userprofile; clear-host}"')

I hope you found the blog post information useful.


Windows 2012 Server Different GUI Levels

I do have to say after using Windows 2012 server for a while in my lab and to host several Hyper-V machines for research and testing I do have to say I like it. It is a lot less resource intensive that Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 are, the use of WinRM for Remote Management and the Server Manager interface makes administrating several servers a breeze, the best part of all is that I can administer the server completely with Windows PowerShell and for those cases that I need the GUI I can install and remove it to save a couple of MB of memory and reduce the attack surface of the box. 

The main reason that the GUI can be modified is that the components for it are now features of the OS:

  • Graphical Management Tools and Infrastructure (Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra):  provides a minimal server interface and server management tools. The components for it are:
    • Server Manager
    • Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and snap-ins
    • Subset of Control Panel
  • Server Graphical Shell (Server-Gui-Shell): it  is dependent on the first feature and provides the rest of the GUI experience. The component of it are:
    • Desktop
    • Start screen
    • Windows Explorer
    • Internet Explorer

In he blog post I will cover how to use PowerShell for adding and removing of the features since PowerShell is available in server core with none of the components installed.

Here is Windows 2012 Server Core default install after logging on as administrator:


The terminal it provides is cmd.exe so to get to Windows PowerShell we need to type powershell and press enter.  In PowerShell we can use the Windows Feature functions to add and remove features. To list them we can use the Get-Command cmdlet:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Command *windowsfeature* -Type function,cmdlet

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Function        Get-WindowsFeature                                 ServerManager
Function        Install-WindowsFeature                             ServerManager
Function        Uninstall-WindowsFeature                           ServerManager

We find that we can get the Windows Features currently installed on the system, we can Install and Uninstall Windows Features also. to get a list of the options and examples of use for each we can use Get-Help cmdlet with the –Full paramter:

Get-Help Install-WindowsFeature -Full

Lets start by installing only the Graphical Management Tools and Infrastructure (Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra), this will give us the tools for only managing the server but not for browsing the web or doing some activities that might cause the server to fall for a client side attack.  To install we just use the Install-WindowsFeature function and give it the parameter to restart the server after it is installed:

Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra –Restart

Once it is ran PowerShell will show the progress of the installation:


Once the server starts and one logs on we can see that. Once the server reboots and one logs one Server Manager will come up automatically and can be used for management tasks.


If we want the full desktop experience and the addition of Internet Explorer we just need to run the following command to add that component:

Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell –Restart

One shortcut to install all if you are in Core enumerate the features with the word GUI and since PowerShell is an Object Based shell we can pass the objects it returns to the Install-WindowsFeture function to install those:

Get-WindowsFeature *gui* | Install-WindowsFeature -Restart

Once the server reboots and the user logs in they should have a full GUI experience:


One thing to take in to account on this system with no GUI as a Core only server default install memory use was around 322MB of memory, with the Infrastructure Management Tool support only it was around 436MB of memory and with the full GUI Experience it was around 527MB of memory. I would recommend only having Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra installed as a mid point of usability and reduces attack surface on the server.

I hope you found the information on the blog post useful.


PowerShell Basics–The Environment

I do have to say last year I started to write about PowerShell Basics and I then stopped. The main reason was that after talking with Dave Kennedy I decided to write a class for DerbyCon 2012 and boy did I thought it was going to be simple. I started believing that I could write it in a month or two and have it done since I use PowerShell on a daily basis, took me over 6 months, ended up with over 600 slides and was even modifying the slides on the airplane ride to Louisville since Microsoft came out with PowerShell Version 3.0 as part of the Windows Management Framework 3 a week before the conference. The good part is that I have now more than enough material to re-start the series and cover more fun stuff for the security professional and the admin alike.

I have given the PowerShell for Security Professionals class 3 times and one thing I decided for the blog posts that differs from the class it self is to provide short segments of fast and easy to use information for people to start getting in to Powershell.

What is PowerShell

PowerShell is Microsoft new Command Line Interface for Windows systems, it provides access to:

  • Existing Windows Command Line tools.
  • PowerShell Cmdlets (PowerShell own Commands)
  • PowerShell Functions
  • Access to the .Net Framework API
  • Access to WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation
  • Access to Windows COM (Component Object Model)
  • Access to function in Windows DLL (Dynamic Linked Libraries)

As it can be seen PowerShell does provide a lot of access to different technologies and APIs on a Windows system making it ideal for administration and for security work alike.

Microsoft if making PowerShell the default management interface for many of it’s server products like Exchange, System Center Operations Manager, SQL Server, SharePoint Server and more, not only that but with Windows 2012 server the default install is core (GUI-Less System) and management is done via the command line or using Remote Admiration Tools. Microsoft included over 4 thousand new PowerShell cmdlets to make the administration of the new server the easiest ever using the command line.


Depending on the environment and systems you work with there are 2 main versions of PowerShell you will fond your self working with:

  • PowerShell v2 –Included with Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2. Available as a separate download for Windows XP SP3, Windows 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 2008 SP2. It can be pushed to hosts via Windows Server Update Service. Download t
  • PowerShell v3 – Included with Windows 8 and Windows 2012. Available as a separate download for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 2008 R2 SP2. It can not be pushed to hosts via Windows Server Update Service. Download

On Windows System prior to Windows 8 and Windows 2012 PowerShell can be found under Start –> All Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools Depending on the architecture of the operating system there will be an x86 version and a x64 version of PowerShell. In addition to the shortcut to the PowerShell terminal there will also be shortcuts to the ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) and Editor for PowerShell scripts that was included with PowerShell v2 and greatly improved on PowerShell v3. On Systems running Windows 8 and Windows 2012 with the Metro Interface one just need to type PowerShell or PowerShell_ISE to access the components. On a Windows 2012 Core System one just needs to type powershell.exe in the command prompt to load it.

Some recommendations when loading PowerShell:

  • Since PowerShell provides access to many administrative functions it is recommended to run it as Administrator.




  • If you are on a x64 system make sure you run the x64 version of it (The one with no x86 in the name of the shortcut)


When we launch PowerShell we are greeted with a blue command window with white text.


As it an be seen one can easily determine by looking at the title bar of the window if one is running as Administrator or not.

I would recommend to take the chance and customize the shortcut for launching PowerShell so as to provide the best experience. Right click on the PowerShell blue icon on the top left of the PowerShell Window and select Properties, make sure on the Options tab that the Edit Options are selected


On the Layout tab adjust the Screen Buffer Size Width to one where there is no need for side scroll bar making sure that both Width fields have the same value in both the Buffer Size and Window Size.


Ensuring a proper with will make the management of large amounts of output generated by some cmdlets easier to look at on the screen.

The terminal has several keyboard shortcuts that can be used, a list of the most common are in the table bellow:



On PowerShell v2 the ISE can also be use as an interactive command prompt where commands are entered in on window and output is shown in the next, in addition it is is a script editor with syntax highlighting


On PowerShell v3 the ISE has been greatly improved, offering a consolidated command prompt and also provides a cmdlet help pane


In addition ISEv3 also provides:

  • Intellisense for Cmdlets and parameters with parameter help popup.
  • Intellisense will provide values for parameters based on enumerations and pre-defined sets.
  • Intellisense will perform smart matching for cmdlet names
  • Intellisense will show path options for filesystems and PSProviders
  • Intellisense will show variables
  • Intellisense will show for objects properties and methods available

It will also provide an Icon Reference that makes it easier to select in Intellisense what one wants to choose.


The command prompt on ISEv3 can be said to be the closest one can get to the perfect terminal for PowerShell with the exception that since it is not a true terminal several console commands are not supported. To get a list of the unsupported console commands one can take a look at the $psUnsupportedConsoleApplications variable


There are some other alternatives to consoles I recommend people to also try out if they find the one included with Windows to limiting:

For my next blog post I will go in to running commands, exploring the commands and using the help system.

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