
Verifying Patching with PowerShell (Part 2 Microsoft Hotfixes)

In this second part we will look at querying for Microsoft Hotfixes against a given array of hosts. This Workflow will differ a bit as you will see from the one I showed in my previous post do to changes and improvements I was requested by a friend doing consulting at a client, he quickly modified the workflow in the previous post to use a list of IP Addresses and modified it to check for Internet Explorer versions so as to aid him in a risk assessment for a customer. On this one I took it a bit further and came with the following requirements:

  • Take an array of either computer names or IP addresses instead of an object.
  • Provide the ability of using alternate credentials for connecting to WMI on the remote hosts.
  • Test each given hosts to see if port 135 TCP is open.
  • Return an object with the patch information and a state of Installed or not Installed so as to be able to parse easier.

PowerShell provides 2 main ways to get patch information from a system:

  1. Get-Hotfix Commandlet
  2. Query to the Win32_QuickFixEngineering WMI class

In my testing Get-Hotfix when used inside of a workflow in PowerShell v3 tended to default to WinRM not allowing me to use DCOM as the method of communication. This became very annoying since not all customer environments will have WinRM running but are more than likely to allow DCOM RPC connection to their Windows Hosts. So I opted with the second option of using the Get-WMIObject to query the Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering . The command as the base for the workflow is rather simple:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering -Filter "HotFixID='$($hid)'"

Where $hid holds the HotFix ID of the hotfix we want to test. With the Get-WMIObject cmdlet we can also give it the option of alternate credentials to use as well as a Computer Name to target.

The logic for the workflow is a simple one, we go thru each computer in the computers array in parallel and for each we check for the hotfix id

Workflow Confirm-Hotfix {












foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers) {

InlineScript {

foreach ($hid in $using:KB){







When using workflows there are several restrictions that make working with them very different than working say with a function specially when it comes to how to set parameters, use of variables and that positional parameters can not be use. Also the cmdlets that can be use are limited. This is why you will see me using the $using variable to pass variables to the script block that is the InlineScript. The use of InlineScript relaxes many of the rules that are imposed inside the workflow.

My Next task is to test if TCP Port 135 is open and set a timeout so as to be able to test quickly if the host is up or not before attempting to connect with WMI, the main advantage of this are:

  • Checks if the host is alive since most environments have firewalls on the PCs and servers that block ICMP Echo.
  • Checks that the proper port for WMI is open and if it is blocked and reset is send by a firewall.

Workflow Confirm-Hotfix {












foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers) {

InlineScript {

$TCPclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

$Connection = $TCPclient.BeginConnect($using:computer,135,$null,$null)

$TimeOut = $Connection.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(3000,$false)

if(!$TimeOut) {



Write-Verbose "Could not connect to $($using:computer) port 135."



else {


Try {

$TCPclient.EndConnect($Connection) | out-Null


foreach ($hid in $using:KB){






Catch {


write-verbose "Connction to $($using:computer) on port 135 was refused."






The rest of the Workflow is just creating the object and passing the credentials. The final workflow looks like:


Workflow Confirm-HotFix {










[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credentials




foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers) {

Write-Verbose -Message "Running against $($computer)"

InlineScript {

# Move credentials in to the inline script for easier manipulation

$creds = $using:Credentials

# If none are provided create an empty PSCredential Object to force use of current user token.

if (!$creds){

$creds = ([PSCredential]::Empty)


$TCPclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

$Connection = $TCPclient.BeginConnect($using:computer,135,$null,$null)

$TimeOut = $Connection.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(3000,$false)

if(!$TimeOut) {



Write-Verbose "Could not connect to $($using:computer) port 135."



else {


Try {

$TCPclient.EndConnect($Connection) | out-Null



# Check each computer for the info.

foreach ($hid in $using:KB){

Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for $($hid) on $($using:computer)"

$KBs = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_QuickFixEngineering -Filter "HotFixID='$($hid)'" -ComputerName $using:computer -Credential $creds

if ($KBs){

# Process each version found

Write-Verbose -Message "Hotfix $($hid) found on $($using:computer)"

$objprops =[ordered] @{'Computer'=$Using:computer;


'InstalledDate' = $KBs.InstalledOn;

'InstalledBy' = $KBs.InstalledBy;

'Description' = $KBs.Description;

'Caption' = $KBs.Caption;





else {

#If not found return an object with Installed False

Write-Verbose -Message "Hotfix $($hid) not found in $($using:computer)"

$objprops =[ordered] @{'Computer'=$Using:computer;


'InstalledDate' = "";

'InstalledBy' = "";

'Description' = "";

'Caption' = "";







Catch {


write-verbose "Connction to $($using:computer) on port 135 was refused."







Now we can use alternate credentials and have the workflow test for connectivity:

PS > Confirm-HotFix -Computers, -KB KB976902 -Credentials (Get-Credential acmelabs\administrator) -Verbose
   VERBOSE: [localhost]:Running against
   VERBOSE: [localhost]:Running against
   VERBOSE: [localhost]:Checking for KB976902 on
   VERBOSE: [localhost]:Could not connect to port 135.
   VERBOSE: [localhost]:Hotfix KB976902 found on

   Computer              :
   HotFix                : KB976902
   InstalledDate         : 1/22/2013 12:00:00 AM
   InstalledBy           : NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
   Description           : Update
   Caption               :
   Installed             : True
   PSComputerName        : localhost
   PSSourceJobInstanceId : 3704d139-8328-4bd2-adcc-06bc994bf8b5

And since we are returning Objects and not text we can manipulate the results:

   PS C:\> $hosts = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | select -ExpandProperty name
   PS C:\> Confirm-HotFix -Computers $hosts -KB KB976902 | Format-Table -Property computer,hotfix,installed -AutoSize

   Computer HotFix   Installed
   -------- ------   ---------
   WIN801   KB976902     False
   WIN2K01  KB976902     False
   WINXP01  KB976902     False
   WIN2K302 KB976902     False
   DC02     KB976902      True
   WIN2K301 KB976902     False
   WINXP02  KB976902     False
   DC01     KB976902     False
   WIN702   KB976902      True
   WIN701   KB976902      True

This workflow is great for testing that the patch management solution deployed the patches and they applied, good for a quick risk assessment on Patch Tuesdays and confirming what a Vulnerability Scanner reports. I added the workflow to my PowerShell Security Module I keep meaning of one day finishing and documenting

As always I hope you find this useful and informative, any feedback you may have are more than welcome Smile .


Verifying Patching with PowerShell (Part 1 Finding the Java Versions)

One of the greatest dilemmas that both the system admin as well as the the security professional face is knowing if a patch tool and even more I would say it would be having visibility of what is currently in their environment. Lets look at to approaches:

  1. We will use WMI to check the Java version of a series of host.
  2. We will use WMI to check if a specific Microsoft patch is present (Get-Hotfix was behaving strangely in a workflow for me).
For both cases we will save the data in to a CSV file for simplicity of parsing the data. We will be pulling the hosts to check directly from AD using the AD cmdlets that are installed as part of the RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) that can be installed on a Windows 7 or Windows 8 hosts or we could as well run this from a Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 server that have the ActiveDirectory module installed. Lets start by pulling the Computers we want from the domain. If the host we are on is a Windows 7 or Windows 8 hosts we need to know if the RSAT component is installed and if so if the AD PowerShell Module is available in the features, I will cover the commands as if we where on command shell since this could be useful if you are a pentester that just gained access to hosts that have RSAT tools Winking smile (used this last week and it worked beautifully) To check if the AD PowerShell component is installed we can use the DSIM command:
C:\Windows\system32>dism /online /Get-features | findstr /i powershell

Feature Name : RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-Powershell

As we can the the feature is available to use. To install we can use the DSIM tool itself:

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:RemoteServerAdministrationTools-Roles-AD-Powershell

In the case of a Windows 2008 R2 Server or a Windows 2012 server we would import the Server Manager Module:

PS > Import-Module ServerManager 

Then we would query for the feature and install it:

PS > Get-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell | Add-WindowsFeature 

Once the tool is installed we can load the module and execute the PowerShell cmdlets to query AD, in the case of PowerShell v3 modules are automatically loaded and they do not need no be loaded by hand. To import we would use:

PS > Import-Module ActiveDirectory 

Note: if you are in a pentest and have shell on a host that have the RSAT tools you an invoke your powershell commands against AD either from a domain account or from system since both the computer account and domain user accounts have read permissions on AD allowing for enumeration of the domain.

For our specific need we will use the Get-ADComputer cmdlet, this cmdlet allows the pulling of computer information where we can filter by either property of the computer or by using an LDAP filter. To get a list of all the properties we could filter on we can just use the Get-Member cmdlet and have it only show properties:

PS > Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties * | Get-Member -MemberType Properties 

In this case so as to keep things simple I recommend  you filter either by OS type or by OU. Here is an example where we will filter for only those machines that are running client OS and we retrieve their Name, OS and IPv4Address:

PS C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter "OperatingSystem -notlike '*server*'" `

-Properties Name,OperatingSystem,ipv4address `

| Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,ipv4address
Name OperatingSystem ipv4address
---- --------------- -----------
WIN701 Windows 7 Enterprise
WINXP01 Windows XP Professional
WINXP02 Windows XP Professional
WIN702 Windows 7 Ultimate
WIN801 Windows 8 Enterprise

If we want to limit our search we use the –SearchBase parameter:

PS C:\>  Get-ADComputer -Filter "OperatingSystem -notlike '*server*'" `

-Properties Name,OperatingSystem,ipv4address -SearchBase "OU=HR,DC=acmelabs,DC=com" `

| Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,ipv4address

Name                                         OperatingSystem                              ipv4address                               
----                                         ---------------                              -----------                               
WIN702                                       Windows 7 Ultimate                                              
WIN701                                       Windows 7 Enterprise                                            

Now that we are able to list the PC’s that we want to check against, lets look in the case of third party tool like Java I like checking the version of the file that application uses since it is simpler that querying the registry with WMI.

Since a user can install both a 32bit and a 64bit version of java we will have to look in the 2 default locations. The WMI Class to use for this is the CIM_Datafile  this class will allow me to query a specific file and get it’s properties.

Note: You may see examples in the internet use Win32_Product, this class should be avoided for enumerating installed software. The Win32_Product class works by enumerating every MSI package that is installed on the system. When a package is touched, it performs a reconfiguration where the application is validated (and repaired if found to be inconsistent with the original MSI). So configuration settings may go to default and services that may have been disabled will be re-enabled, this may expose the systems to greater risk or break the software in some configurations.

For querying the CIM_Datafile class we will use Get-WMIObject since it is available in both PowerShell v2 and PowerShell v3. The use of WMI also allow us to provide alternate credentials if we wish.

Lets query a system with both 32bit and 64bit versions in the default locations and get the version for Java.dll:

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_Datafile -Filter `

'(Name="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.dll" OR Name="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.dll")'
Compressed : False
Encrypted : False
Size :
Hidden : False
Name : c:\program files (x86)\java\jre7\bin\java.dll
Readable : True
System : False
Version :
Writeable : True

Compressed : False
Encrypted : False
Size :
Hidden : False
Name : c:\program files\java\jre7\bin\java.dll
Readable : True
System : False
Version :
Writeable : True

As we can see we are able to pull both versions of both files.

Since WMI takes a while to run PowerShell has several ways to speed up the process.  The most compatible one is to use Jobs, these will spin up a separate powershell.exe environment and execute the command and save the results in memory for us to pull and parse, the other is to use threads and pools and new to PowerShell v3 we can create what is called a Workflow. We will use this code to create a Workflow since it is less resource intensive that Jobs and easier to write that threads in a pool. A workflow is kind of a special function that allows one to run tasks in parallel up to 5 threads at a time so it will make it easier to pull data. Here is the Workflow I came up with:

Workflow Get-Java7Version {





foreach -parallel ($computer in $computers) {

Write-Verbose -Message "Running against $($computer.Name)"

# Check each computer for the info.

$versions = Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_Datafile `

-Filter '(Name="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.dll" OR Name="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\java.dll")' `

-PSComputerName $computer.ipv4address -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property name,version

if ($versions){

# Process each version found

Write-Verbose -Message "Java found on $($computer.Name)"

foreach($version in $versions){

# Create a Custom PSObject with the info to process

$found = InlineScript {

New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop @{'Computer'=$Using:computer.Name;





# Return the custom object




else {

Write-Verbose -Message "Java not found in $($computer.Name)"




The workflow breaks down as follows:

  • We add to our Workflow the cmdletbinding() this will allow us to inherit certain functionality found on cmdlets like being able to show verbose and debug output.
  • We define as a parameter for the workflow Computers which is a array of PSObjects. This will be objects that can be taken from the Get-ADComputer or any other cmdlet that produces objects with the properties of IPv4Address and Name for the computers we want to run against.
  • We now go thru each computer objects in $Computers and run the WMI query against each, the –parallel parameter in foreach can only be used inside of workflows. This will create a pool of jobs and run in parallel 5 at a time.
  • For each version we get we create a custom object with the computer name, IP Address, File Location and the Version of the file. We return the Object.

As you can see it is not to complicated other than some special rules for Workflows like the no use of positional parameters and the instantiation of objects must be done inside a inlinescript script block.

You can read more about Workflows in the “Getting Started with PowerShell Workflows” document from Microsoft  or using the Get-Help cmdlet and looking at about_Workflows and about_Workflow_Common_Parameters.

The workflow can be ran just like any other function. You can save the code in to a PS1 file and just do a `. .\<filename>.ps1` and it will add the function inside of it in to your session.

We will save the computers found with the Get-ADComputer cmdlet in to a variable:

 PS C:\> $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * `

-Properties Name,OperatingSystem,ipv4address `

| Select-Object Name,ipv4address

Now we can pass these to the workflow and use the –verbose option to see the progress:


Since we are returning objects we can manipulate the data using several formating and export cmdlets from PowerShell. One out my favorites is the Grid View cmdlet so I can filter and parse the data.

PS C:\> Get-Java7Version -Computers $computers -Verbose | select Computer,IPv4Address,Version,File | Out-GridView 


This will give us:


Now we can parse and filter the data anyway we want. For part 2 I will cover how to check the MS Hotfixes and also how to get some diagnostic data to determine if a hotfix failed and why.  As always I hope you found the information useful.


New Guide for Installing Metasploit Framework CentOS and RHEL 6

I know that many hostting companies offer CentOS 6 as their OS of choice for VPS do to its great track record. So I decided to write and maintain a guide for getting a Development environment for Metasploit Framework or for those that prefer to use only the OSS versions of it in CentOS 6 the guide also covers RHEL 6 for both x86 and x64 versions.

Hope you find it useful.


PowerShell Basics–Running Commands

Lets start running commands and tying in what was covered in the previous posts. As you may have guessed by now in PowerShell the cmdlets, functions, workflows and scripts are all named in a - format. This aids in classifying the functionality of them and keeps to the idea of having one specific area of functionality per command similar to Unix. To get a list of all of the Verbs we use the Get-Verb cmdlet to get the list of approved verbs for PowerShell. When we write our own we can name them anything we like but it is recommended to follow the same standard as the one present in the shell so as to maintain uniformity and ease of use. The verbs are grouped per functionality in the following groups:

  • Common
  • Data
  • Lifecycle
  • Diagnostic
  • Communications
  • Security
  • Other

In the blogpost on using the help subsystem I covered that the Get-Help cmdlet could be use to find commands on the system since it parses the help information, this could prove useful in exploring but it will also miss system commands, Dynamic Link Libraries and some time it can even be to noisy depending on what we want to find. There is a specific cmdlet in PowerShell whose whole purpose is to find all commands that are installed on the computer, including cmdlets, aliases, functions,workflows, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-Command gets the commands from Windows PowerShell modules and this is the Get-Command cmdlet. If we use the Get-Help cmdlet against the Get-Command cmdlet we get the following Syntax options:


We have 2 general ways we can run the cmdlet, the first one we can search by Verb or Noun and in the second one we can search by Name of the cmdlet. Lets take take the second way of running the cmdlet and look at the name option [[-Name] ] we see that it takes a string object and that we can provide it a list of string because it has the [ ] at the end of the type, we also see that -Name is between [ ] which means it is optional to. If we look at the parameter it self we will see:

PS C:\> Get-Help Get-Command -Parameter Name

-Name <String[]>
    Gets only commands with the specified name. Enter a name or name pattern. Wildcards are permitted.

    To get commands that have the same name, use the All parameter. When two commands have the same name, by default,
    Get-Command gets the command that runs when you type the command name.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    1
    Default value                None
    Accept pipeline input?       True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

NOTE: I see that is in “Accept wildcard characters?” it says false, that  is a bug that has been present since PowerShell 2.0 since I can remember, this is why I have gotten in to the habit of also reading the description of the parameters, I have only seen it happen with this cmdlet.

In the description we can see that we can use wildcard characters for looking in the names of the commands and also we see it is in position 1 so we can just pass that wildcard expression as the first argument passed to the cmdlet.  It will search for system commands in all the locations that are in the $PATH variable also. Here is an example where I show the contents of my Path environment variable and as it can be seen it includes Nmap and SQL Express installations so if I look for *nmap* and for *sql* it will show the commands for those:

PS C:\> $env:path
ows System Resource Manager\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tool
s\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap
PS C:\> get-command *nmap*

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Application     nmap.exe
Application     nmap-update.exe
Application     zenmap.exe

PS C:\> get-command *sql*

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Application     SQLCMD.EXE
Application     SqlLocalDB.exe

When using Wildcard Characters we can use any of the characters listed in the table below:


When it comes to parameters PowerShell also has Tab Autocomplete for parameter and they can be shorten to the minimum unique characters like we can with Cisco IOS, PowerShell does this by looking at the cmdlet it self and in the case of Function, Scripts and Workflows it will even parse the code to read this so as to provide them to AutoComplete. So we could run the Get-Service command as follows to get the information for the BITS service:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Service -Name bits

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  bits               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Service -Name bits*

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  BITS               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Service -Na bits*

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  BITS               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-Service bits*

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  BITS               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

This provides great flexibility for running cmdlets, Functions and Workflows but it also adds the power of discoverability, we can just type a –<Tab> and keep hitting the Tab key to discover the parameter we want.

On PowerShell v3 the autocompleting is further expanded to include predefined lists or those that can be calculated and deduced by the command like list of processes, list of services, error actions ..etc.

Expansion for services as they are enumerated for autocomplete:


Expansion of predefine options:


in the none ISE Terminal one can cycle thru them by just keep hitting the <Tab> Key

PowerShell v3 added a graphical way to also explore PowerShell specific commands and build the command in the GUI and execute it in the GUI also using the Show-Command cmdlet



PowerShell just like other Unix shells allows the use of Aliases for commands, this allows for less typing. Now a word of advice, since PowerShell allows the shortening of parameters or use of the values of such can produce very hard to read code when scripting with PowerShell so for interactive shell this is perfect so as to allow for fast use but when sharing command strings or scripts get in to the habit of expanding the command alias and the parameters.

We can use the Get-Command cmdlet to search for all the cmdlets for managing Aliases:

PS C:\> Get-Command *alias*

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Cmdlet          Export-Alias                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Get-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Import-Alias                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          New-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Set-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility

The use of the <verb>-<noun> format makes the identification of the purpose of the cmdlets quite simple. To get a list of the aliases on the current sessions we would use the Get-Alias cmdlet. We can create new cmdlets with New-Alias and Set-Alias, to modify an Alias the Set-Alias cmdlet is used.

To get the definition of a specific alias:

PS C:\> Get-Alias -Name ls

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem

To get what aliases are for a specific cmdlet

PS C:\> Get-Alias -Definition Get-ChildItem

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           dir -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           gci -> Get-ChildItem
Alias           ls -> Get-ChildItem

To create a new alias

PS C:\> New-Alias -Name ll -Value Get-ChildItem
PS C:\> ll

    Directory: C:\

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
d----         8/16/2012   5:14 PM            inetpub
d----         7/26/2012   3:33 AM            PerfLogs
d-r--         1/18/2013  10:03 PM            Program Files
d-r--         1/13/2013   8:33 AM            Program Files (x86)
d----        10/30/2012  10:02 PM            SQLEXPRESS
d-r--         8/15/2012   8:35 PM            Users
d----         1/12/2013  10:56 PM            Windows

Sadly the aliases we create are not permanent and are lost once we close the session. We can export the aliases we create to a file and load them in to any session or autoload them with the use of profiles files (More on this on a later blogpost), to export them we use the Export-Alias cmdlet.

PS C:\> export-alias -path alias.csv

This will generate a a list in to a CSV File


It an also be exported as a Script

PS C:\> Export-Alias -Path .\alias.ps1 -as script


To import the aliases that where exported we use the Import-Alias.

PS C:\> Import-Alias -Path .\alias.csv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


As always I hope you found this blogpost useful and I invite you to read more on the subject covered by looking at the following conceptual help information inside of PowerShell using the Get-Help cmdlet (Yes it is homework):

  • about_CommonParameters
  • about_Parameters
  • about_Parameters_Default_Values
  • about_Core_Commands
  • about_Command_Syntax
  • about_Command_Precedence
  • about_Aliases

PowerShell Basics–Using the Help Subsystem

Before we start running commands one of the fist things we have to do is to understand the rich help subsystem in PowerShell or as we say to many users in our IT life, RTFM. One of the first things to cover is that Help Subsystem in PowerShell v3 was improved so as to be able to update its contents.

Updating PowerShell v3 Help

We can update the help system from Microsoft it self or from a share or drive in the case the machine does not have access to the internet. Windows 8 and Windows 2012 come with no PowerShell help files as does a install of PowerShell v3 on a Windows 7, 2008 or 2008 R2 system so the first step we have to take is to run the Get-Help cmdlet to update our help files if our system has internet connection. Things to consider when running the Get-Help cmdlet for updating the help files from the internet:

  • To update the help files the account you run the command from must be part of the Local Administrators group and it must be ran from a PowerShell console running as elevated privileges.
  • It will use the Proxy settings configured on Internet Explorer.
  • If the proxy requires NTLM, negotiate, or Kerberos-based authentication the –UseDefaultCredentials parameter must be used so ad to use the current user credentials to authenticate with the proxy.
  • We can only update the help files once every 24 hours  if we want to update inside the 24 hours we would have to use the –Force parameter.

    When it executes it will perform the following actions:

  • Determines which modules support Updatable Help.
  • Finds the Internet location where each module stores its Updatable Help files.
  • Compares the help files for each module on your computer to the newest help files that are available for each module.
  • Downloads the new files from the Internet.
  • Unwraps the help file package.
  • Verifies that the files are valid help files.
  • Installs the help files in the language-specific subdirectory of the module directory.

    We can also update from a share in the network or from a location on the computer (USB Stick, External Hard Drive..) for those hosts that we decided to limit the risk of data exfiltration by not permitting them access to the internet or the machines are isolated for other reasons. So lets cover how this would be done:

  • We start by downloading from a machines that has internet access to a local folder or file share the machine has access to.

    Save-HelpDestinationPath \\\resources\PSv3Help

  • We can move the files to a USB Drive or Share  and them from the host that we want to update the help files we specify the –SourcePath and the path to where the files are located

    Update-HelpSourcePath \\\resources\PSv3Help

    We can configure a scheduled task to update each day the PowerShell help files either from the internet or from a share as in the example above:

    Register-ScheduledJob -Name UpdatePSHelp `

    -ScheduledJobOption @{RunElevated=$true} ` -ScriptBlock {Update-Help -Force -Verbose} ` -Trigger @{At='6:00 AM';Frequency='Daily'}

    We can take a look at the output of the scheduled jobs with:

    Get-Job -Name UpdateHelp | Receive-Job 

    Now if you are using PowerShell v2 and you also want the latest help information you can use the –Online parameter and this will open Internet Explorer to the page with the latest information you requested.

    Using Get-Help

    We use the Get-Help cmdlet displays information about Windows PowerShell concepts and commands, including cmdlets, functions, CIM commands, workflows, providers, aliases and scripts.

    The cmdlet has also an Aliases set in the shell by default as help and man. It can be used in either of two ways, the first one to search for help information across the entire help with the use of wildcards. help <wildcard expression> will look for the word or expression in the titles of the help files, if none is found it will look in the content of the help for it. We can also limit to what type of information we may want with the –Category parameter

      help -Category Cmdlet -Name *service*

    The cmdlet can also be ran against a specific cmdlets, functions, CIM commands, workflows, providers, aliases or scripts. Wen used against a cmdlet with no options it will show Name, Synopsis, Syntax, Description, Related Links and Remarks. One can select what parts of a help file we want to see by specifying the parameter for the level of information one wants

    • –Detailed parameter is given it will show Parameter information and Examples.
    •  –Full parameter is given it will show a more detailed list of info for Parameters.
    • –Examples parameter is given only examples are shown.

    A cmdlet can have more than one way for it to be invoked and this can be seen in the syntax. They will typically have one or more Parameter Sets that will differ from syntax to syntax.


    The parameters can be read as:

    • Required for required options or values they will not be enclosed in any bracket.
    • Options or values enclosed in [ ] are optional
    • Values are represent with the type they take between < >
    • Those values that can be lists are represented as <type[ ]> 
    • Those that have a predefined list of options it can take are represented as < option1 | option2 | option3>

    When the help cmdlet is used with the -full option is used we get additional information on the parameters:

    • required? - specifies if the option is required or not.
    • position? - specified if the position is a named one or an order one. For ordered one it will give the number of the position for the value it will map to it.
    • Default value - Default value the option has. (Some times on PSv2 it does not display properly)
    • Accept pipeline input? - specified if the option accepts input from the pipeline and if the input is by value type or by property name.
    • Accept Wildcard Characters? - specifies if wildcard characters can be used.

    With PowerShell v3 the –ShowWindow parameter was added to open a separate window that can be used as reference while one works construction a command


    Conceptual Help Topics

    PowerShell contains what is called Conceptual help topics that contains detailed information about several subjects and areas of Powershell. These can be found at or from the PowerShell console just run

    help about 

    This will list all conceptual topics.



    I invite you to run help against the command shown here and explore the conceptual help topics. Hope you find the blog post useful.

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